The Official Website of
90 Proof
90 Proof Softball
Hall of Fame

Past Inductees

here for this year's inductee.

2015 HOF Inductee Mike Marotta.

2014 HOF Inductee Chris Pietromonaco.

Hymie Renshowitz 2013 90 Proof HOF.

Bobby Langer 2012 90 Proof HOF.

Nick Sicari 2011 90 Proof HOF.

Sal Fontana 2010 90 Proof HOF.

Frank Marinello 2009 90 Proof HOF.

Steve Polemeni 2008 90 Proof HOF.

Lenny Maniscalco 90 Proof HOF 2006.

2005 Hall-of-Famers,
Joe Morello, Eric Schwartz, Joe Scarpati.

2003 HOF Inductee Joe LaRosa.

Capt. Marty Valenti 2002 90 Proof HOF.

Martin loves Batgirl
Marty Schwartz 90 Proof HOF 1998.

John Fontana 90 Proof HOF 1995.

Jerry Mandaro 90 Proof HOF 1993.

here for the Retired Numbers.

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